Ventilators tut

Hi ya, Im assuming your not new to blender if your attempting to try this.Ventilators tutorial is an excellent place to begin with building and rigging armatures. Tho deffinately not the end... Theres lots of other tutorials found thru out the web most can be found in blenders wiki.

As for setting everything up in 3dgs theres lots of resources around for that just try to do a search. Grimber has contributed some great tips for attaching weapons ect...

Is your game a fps or 3rd person? If its fps then just model the arm/s and the weapons. You can then either animate them together or use scripting to attach the weapon to a vertex on the arm model.....

Sorry if this isnt makin sense its very early. - Each master to his own technique.

- Not me said the bee, Nor I said the fly.