Oh, so we just can go this way? I tought about writing a function like (just exemple):

DLLFUNC var A6R_ent_create(xyz)
Entity* Ent = A6Render::getSingleton().getSceneMgr()->createEntity( "oli", "ogrehead.mesh" );
A6Render::getSingleton().getSceneMgr()->getRootSceneNode()->attachObject( Ent );

and then check in a linked list if position has changed, etc. I know, would not be the best solution, but ogre is really a great pice of code.

I tried that way, setting ogreīs rendering window not to auto create itīs window, but to use a6 rendering device. Didnīt work.

p.s Iīm writing on a little allready running engine when Iīm bored, so my skills may be not the problem; And Iīve taken a look on working with dx one year ago.