I dind't config really anything of my dns, I have a dns server the software is called Four Ca;proe DNS server.

I don't know how to set the server up.

also wamp5 I have and I am running the server and I put my website file in the www. folder and when I put localhost I get to the server user interface where I see the project folder with my website in it I click on it and it opens my website, also on the localhost page I can get into my databases, and other cofigs areas of the server, but I can't acces my website from another computer.

I really need a step by step help becuse I been working on this stuff since sep it's almost 2 month's and I only had the server once able to be access from the internet but now I cant get to that point.

I don't really know what I need to know in order to setup my server's correctly,

I am a newbie to networking I have an understanding on what the server's do and what they request but I don't know what right information to put in the config.

I really just need someone to help me step by step since I know nothing.

thanks for your time.