hey guys I am trying to set Wamp server on my other computer. Any idea how to set it up? It self installs and I believe it is set up...friends can browse my webpage by going to my address...did the firewall stuff ans seems to be working correctly.

How do I go about turing my script from "lan" to internet? Once I have that set up how do I launch the "game server" so that others can "connect" to it over the internet? is this done by launching through php or what exatly?

I would like to have the server started on the Wamp server, and then be able to connect my client game to it next door at my friends house, by use of the internet itself...how is this done using Wamp..and how is done in script... any ideas?

and my script as well...do I have to tell it to look for my address? or is this done in the -sv area or what? Do I have to create my own session? how do you stop the lan, and make the client look over the internet for the server?

is there some kind of a tutorial on this or a link that you guys could point me to? or someones personal experience with this that can be shared? any help here at all would be welcomed..no matter how little the help is. thanks!

I want the server to be only a serer..no hosting...well maybe a host as well, for my own sake...but mainly interested in how to get the script to connect over the internet, and how to set it up so the server is available over the internet....not lan. I have the lan one working great now...and that was my first goal...now I want to make it connect over the interent rather then the lan....using Wamp ( unless there is an offordable alternative to using my own computer as the server...if there is I would like to hear about that as well!

thanks again for you helps!

I went ahead and took the website down...go to this address:

in a web browser...that is what I have set up...how do I put the game into Wamp..or how is it launched through that server..php? I dunno much about Wamp...or servers themselves, so ANY help here would help...also let me know if you are not able to connect to the above address ..thank you

3DGS (6.4) Commercial