Does this mean that you already have the d3d9x_30.dll in the windows\system32 folder?

Are the fx-files and the wdls and the bmps in folders which are mentioned as paths in your main wdl?

From the manual:

Error E1513: WDL crash in...
A crash happened due to bad script code in a certain function, like a division by 0 or a square root of a negative number. Note that such Errors are only caught and indicated in the development engine. In the distributable version they will just crash the program.

Did you change anything in the script?

(That's all what comes to my mind in the moment.)

EDIT: Another thing: You wrote you use 6.40.2 - perhaps you need 6.40. 5!

Last edited by Pappenheimer; 10/20/06 22:53.