Ok I got a little closer to solve the problem, actualy I solved it. I think there is a problem when someone would try to publish the demo_inside.wmp level. Because a lot of .fx files didn't got copied to the published folder. Why? I don't know yet. Anyone can confirm this?

Please be kind and remove the previous published directory if there is any and then try to build and publish the inside_demo.wmp level NOT the Island_demo_2.wmp, then put sphere.dll into that directory and run the exe from the published directory with -wnd otherwise perhaps you lockup the computer.

Now you can't run the game and get missing .dds error right? Don't press OK, the time I did that my computer hung. Just click CANCEL. You need to first copy the 'images' folder and copy over the missing .fx files to the published directory, then it runs fine.

@ Matt_Aufderheide:

Why doesn't Sphere2 give error message about missing shaders? Or does it do that, but it's prevented by the debugger and trow a exception instead? Also why do you keep these lines inside indoor_demo.wmp:

	wad {
0 0 0 0 0
<d:\program files\gstudio6\wads\damned.wad> 1

folder {
<d:\program files\gstudio6\damned\textures> 1


My offer still stands btw:

How about someone download the Sphere2 demo and create a complete tutorial based of the demo. This way people like me can learn from the bare-minimum howto do it on their own with their own models and scripts and use of the shaders. If someone would do this in George Pirvu style (just to say how good it must be ) and share it with all Sphere users. I'll buy Sphere2 for you!? Just ask for details i'm very serious.
