And $200 for commercial edition really isn't that much. If you didn't spend on what you didn't really need (like new dinnerware when your current stuff is in decent order), you could save that $200 in 4 or 5 months, possibly even within 2 months. Try to work overtime if you can as overtime means 50% bonus pay and it adds up (but make sure the place you're working at allows it). For convienience, I used some copy paste on that chart to post it here. Since I can't use the table tag, it's ASCII art instead.


|Edition |Standard |Extra |Commercial |Professional |
|Level editor |yes |yes |yes |distributable|
|Model editor |yes |yes |yes |yes |
|Client/Server |no |no |yes |yes |
|Multiserver |no |no |no |yes |
|Max players |1 or 2 ** |1 or 2 ** |4 |unlimited |
|Max screen res |640x480x16|1024x768x16|1024x768x16|1600x1200x32 |
|Light sources |white |white |coloured |coloured |
|Static shadows |yes |yes |yes |yes |
|Dynamic shadows |no |no |yes |yes |
|Particle generator|yes |yes |yes |yes |
|Beam generator |no |no |no |yes |
|Mirrors |no |no |no |yes |
|Terrain |no |yes |yes |yes |
|Transparency |plain 50% |alpha/flare|alpha/flare|alpha/flare |
|Geometric LOD |no |yes |yes |yes |
|AVI scene player |no |no |yes |yes |
|CD audio player |no |no |yes |yes |
|File packer |no |no |no |yes |
|C++/Delphi SDK |separately|separately |separately |included |
|Watermark * |yes |yes |no |no |
|Support (email) |no |no |90 days |1 year |
|Price |$49.- |$99.- |$199.- |$1250.- |
|Upgrade *** |-- |$69.- |$99.- |$625.- |

"You level up the fastest and easiest if you do things at your own level and no higher or lower" - useful tip My 2D game - release on Jun 13th; My tutorials