I don't think he could change my view considering his little article I've just read, besides currently I'm still reading Richard Dawkins' books.


This article might be very awkward to you, but please try to read it with an open mind.

Right ... you must be very open minded person when you consider the neo darwinian evolutionists to be fascists.

Again the people you quote seem to have little understanding of the exact theory of evolution and the creationist of the last article comes with rather pointless arguments.

He starts with assuming 'if God did xyz then ...', he talks as if thát assumption is truth and derives all arguments from that point of view and dismisses the real evidence.


The alleged prediction and fulfillment are:
1. If universal common ancestry is true, then all organisms will have one or more traits in common.
2. All organisms have one or more traits in common.

Questioning both 1 and 2 shows that he doesn't quite understand the full effects of evolution and how it works. If a species evolves into another and into another and into another then eventually it will be alienated enough from his ancient ancestors to have become rather different, so this alleged prediction doesn't need to be as in real visible traits. Apart from that a lot of species do have a lot in common take for example universal commons like blood, bones, skin tissue, hair, eyes, ears, noses and limbs and it's functions. This may vary along certain species types, but basically there's really enough to say that a universal common ancestor is very plausible (eventhough it probably would be the very first living cell or whatever considering the many many branches of species evolution has caused).


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