
Its not science vs creation, its evolution vs creation.

Why? If science is the method to disprove creation, then 'science vs. creation' is a good title. Yes, evolution might be the opposing theory in general, but there's more science that could or actually is discrediting parts and or the whole of creation, not just the 'evolution theory' alone.


Evolution is a science, creation is superstition

I totally agree. Infact, I really can't grasp their basic idea of, there's got to be "something devine creating everything from nothing without any evidence supporting our theory", but accepting random spontaneous creation of matter? I don't think so. Lol.

Repeat after me: It's "Cogito, ergo sum" (Latin: "I am thinking, therefore I exist"). It's not "Deus creat, ergo sum". How the hack could you end up concluding that?

It's getting old, I know, but being created by a God simply is not logical. And, no not everything that's unlogical is untrue, but in this particular case, how could we even know for sure?


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