@Irish: If I understand right, your basic problem with science goes along this line:

"Science doesn't know the cause for phenomenon X. My religion knows the cause for X: it's a god. My religion obviously gives an answer where science has none. Thus I don't understand why scientists are so narrow minded that they are not content with god as the cause for X and are still looking for another cause."

Science began at the state of knowing nothing. The cause for everything was "a god". If we had left it at that, we'd still live on trees. The beginning of science was the very thing you're complaining about: Not accepting "a god" for an answer anymore, and looking further.

With the development of science, we've found more and more theories that explained natural phenomena without the need for "a god" or a supernatural force. Still, there's a lot in nature - like the trigger for the Big Bang, or the beginning of time (if it had a beginning) - that science has not yet theories for. There are only the hypotheses that I mentioned above. The spontaenous Vacuum Polarization can certainly not have caused the Big Bang - in that you're right. Currently, there are lots of hypotheses in what could have caused our universe or many other universes. Here's one of them:


You see that even those speculations are a lot more sophisticated than the trivial "a god caused it". You and your fellow sectarians seem to feel a desparate need for attacking any scientific explanation for the beginning of the universe or the evolution in order to defend your god's last resorts. But this fight is doomed to fail - in fact it has already failed. And it's unnecessary anyway. You've given the answer yourself: Your god is out of the universe and out of time and space. He has no resorts in nature anymore.

If you accept that our world is not governed by supernatural forces, you can still believe in your god, outside the universe, an abstract ethics or creative principle or whatever you want. And you've then made the step from a superstitious religion to a modern religion.