you are misinterpreting what is said.
science is not fighting god or any concept per se. the idea is to find sollutions/evidence and proof for problems and concepts.

while the string theory for example fits common laws of astrophysic (or at least as much as we yet understand about it) the creationism thru god does not. at least not the way hardcore creationism is thought.

is the existence of god possible (biblical description of god in this case)? yes
does any common law or rule support the existence of god? no

so the bottom line is: if there is not one single mathematical, physical or in any way scientific observation/fact/rule or law that god has created time and space from the scientific point of view he simply has not.

histroy is full of examples that support that method. starting from vulcanos to atoms and bacterias.
either is the errutpion of a vulcano "created" by a higher force or a result of physics.

problem with the universe is that it is far more complicated then a simple vulcano or the sunset.

and to connect science with guessing is not valid at all. and if complaining about none open minded people you should keep that in mind as well.

the idea that "someone" created the universe is against anything we have observered till present day.
if nothing else gets created then why the universe in the first place.
wouldnt logic demand that it fits into this sheme as well?

if i claim that i have created the universe and all being because i am allmighty, would this be justification or proof enough for you as well?
or wouldnt you keep sceptical untill you have enough evidence to agree or disagree.


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