i would say "no" to 1 and 2.
thinking of time as a line doesnt sound good to me.

the whole creation as well has a problem that if god can exist since ever why not something else as well. maybe the universe is eternal.
or the time or better said the speed of time is not constant but getting faster as we speak.
Maybe the density of the initial mass made the time speed eternal near to 0.
imagine the whole universe stuffed into one small marble sized ball. its mass could be able to stop time or slow it down.

if now the universe expands a consequence would be a speed up of the time. well, till the break even point when the time and mass balance is shaken and it starts to collapse again into one small marble just to expand again...forever.

and what if time can be so slow that it "creates" a balance of mass. starting with nothing and a "frozen" time the rules of physic made the time create a outbalancing mass.

i also wonder why people think that the universe needs to be created when everything "none man made" is a conclusions of reactions, physical rules and constelations.
nothing i know of or can see had to be "made" (biblical creationism).

everything is a part of a circle/cycle but on the other hand we demand someone started it? why?

its kind of weired that it is obvious that anything elementar is circle shaped. from the quarks to the stars this form seams to be the basic masterplan.
and one thing all circles all over the world have in common: they neither have a start nor an end point


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