
xplained in a simple way: Mutation applies small random changes to the DNA. Natural selection then removes all changes that are harmful, only leaving progressive modifications. These modifiactions then accumulate over time, leading to the constant evolution of species.

This is getting old. Do some research.

Im not going to jump in this boat, but please tell me how do you explain the following:

100 percent compatible sexes developing at the same time. How and why did the reproductive system evolve? Why did the switch take place from self-replication?
which evolved first, the need for food or the digestive system. If it is the digestive system, why did it, and how come it fits in perfectly with the rest of the system?
How did the blood system evolve? How did veins form?

This is just a small number. If you want to say we are here by chance, then you have a serious flaw in logic.