Who did this baby mimic to learn to suckle? But animals do learn to do things by mimicking behaviors, that is true.

Oh yes and happy mothers day!!!

The evolution of instinct would have to occur the way any other evolution occured, through mutation in DNA and natural selection. The evolutionist would postulate the actual instinctual "intelligence" occuring in the neurons of birds, or the primal mechanisms which propel bacteria flagellum towards food sources.

Natural selection would be the method of arriving at these species and behavior Dan has mentioned, as I already said in my first reply.

Of course HOW natural selection actually works is another question altogether, but the theory looks great when its simply accompanied with the wave of a hand. The fact that we dont even know anything about how a worms brain works fundamentally shouldnt stop anyone from believing that evolution has caused sophisticated instinct in all creatures.*sarcasm* According to the evolutionists, nothing can really falsify the theory.

Since nothing can falsify evolution, and macro-evolution is not observable, evolution is nothing but a tautology, the first US state funded religion in history, and definately not a scientific theory.

These ducks think that this guy is their mommy.