
As far as I heard within a discussion with a biologist, there is a lot discussion among biologists about the details within the evolution theory, but not about evolution in general.

The other half of biologists wouldn't listen to the creation half because evolution is generally accepted. So creation scientists have to work within the box for now.


In your posts, Irish Farmer, your are not only doubting of evolution, you doubt about results of the geology,

I don't doubt geology, I doubt the assumptions made from the evidence.


and you doubt about results of astronomy and physics.

Once again, I doubt the wild assumptions that are made based on shaky evidence. For now, we don't know for sure what causes red shift. Though scientists will say that stars are moving away, they say that celestial bodies that are further away have more red shift cause they're moving faster. Isn't it possible that light shifts red because it has to travel so far, and that's why bodies which are further away have more red shift? You see how the same evidence can be interpreted two different ways, and neither one has proof, but one biased opinion is called more scientific than the other?


You are doubting of millions of man hours of investigations of competiting men and women - you seem indeed to construct a conspiracy theory.

No, it takes longer to do actual scientific work than it does to come up with assumptions based on that work. I don't doubt the work, I doubt the assumptions.

You guys obviously aren't arguing on the same level here. All you're doing is questioning our motives, while on the same token you're completely avoiding actual scientific discourse. I don't think I need to waste any more time on this.

The only real competition to evolution is creation, but we're not allowed to compete. Why is that? Evolutionists don't want competition, they just want to work with the idea that they're right. Now...I'm done for now.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."