
And if you made it possible for English speaking people to actually read your website perhaps people could see these things with our own eyes. I would like to be able to read your site.(Just for enjoyment, not to debate)

I've considered to transfer all the stuff to English, but this is really a lot of work (370 pages of text) - so I guess there won't be an English version very soon. The 10 Great Questions I was referring to are: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Higgs-Boson, CP Violation, Neutrino Mass, Proton Decay, Quantum Computers, Extraterrestrials, Immortality, and Consciousness.


The disproof of evolution necessitates the proof of creation. If evolution is disproven then creation must be valid.

I'm afraid what I'm saying now is another proof of the evilness of science for you. But anyway: No, when evolution were disproved by some observation one day, I am very, very sure that science would still not believe in creation. Instead, they would come up either with a modified evolution theory that explains the observation, or with a totally different theory. That would not be creationism.