
Fossils of mass graveyards being one:

Well the existence of mass graves themselves doesn't indicate much, it's no evidence for a flood.


In the past, scientists have suggested a number of possible explanations for such mass deaths in the fossil record, Sampson says. These include drought, volcanism, fire and botulism poisoning from water tainted by carcasses.


Oard, then, gave out other locations of massive grave sites in Dinosaur Provincial Park in Alberta, Canada, in the Dinosaur National Monument in Jenson, Utah, not in Vernal, and the Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry in Price, Utah. But he neglects on purpose to mentioned about the grave sites being the result of carnosaurs being lured into mud traps at the sound and site of distressed prey after they unwittingly coming into the mud pit for a drink of water, failed attempts to cross rivers at flood stages, and succumbing to a severe drought.

--> about the drought.

When there's no indication of a flood in the geological record, then the above mentioned other options seems more obvious to have happened to me than a flood. Especially drought or the poisoning. Perhaps there are other reasons. Elephants have a tendency to die near a place where lot's of other elephants have died before them. An elephant mass grave could thus also be found, having nothing to do with any catastrophic event but simple deaths.


“Nests, eggs, and babies are a challenge to a flood model, but there are enough unknowns associated with the data that solid conclusions are difficult to draw.” or so Oard assumes. There is no unknowns associated with data as Oard claims. Nests, eggs, and babies actually refutes the Flood model. The nests, eggs, and babies would have been easily destroyed if there ever was a Noah's Flood according to the YECs. Oard believes that volcanoes and meteorite impacts, especially the one that was made in the Gulf of Mexico, occurred during the flood. However, there's nothing in the Genesis 7 passage that said anything about meteor showers and volcanic eruptions happening during the Flood. Besides, there are no volcanoes and meteorite craters found in the Middle East, as far as I know.

I agree that mass graves could indicate swift deaths indeed, but like said above certain things that were found still in place as if the creatures all died in a frozen moment make a flood highly unlikely. A flood would destroy any context, mixing up the bones and spreading them across a very large area. The picture like you've shown although mixed up, does not seem mixed up because of a world wide flood, infact I doubt you would even find a mass grave as a result of a flood. (A very small (normal) flood could be possible, then the bones just couldn't be transported any further because of a certain obstacles for example, but further geological evidence must then prove if it really was a flood.)
In the even of a great world wide flood there would be no fossil footprints of dinosaurs don't you think?


Humanoid and human don't always go hand in hand.

That's because you don't believe in evolution. Not that it requires any faith at all, the evidence says enough. Besides, why would God make a human version 1 and later on a human version 2. That doesn't make much sense, does it?
Infact why would a God make monkeys that look damn much like us or the other way around? (You know what Darwin suggested.) I guess God must have a good sense of humor,


Last edited by PHeMoX; 05/05/06 00:33.

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