Ok, I want to respond to your link that you posted of the 'milano mutation.'

I find it to be a distraction from the point (namely that beneficial mutations that fail to write anything new and are founded in a loss of information proves evolution or disproves creation), but I'll respond anyway just so that you can have one less example to fall back on when the going gets tough for 'the little theory that could(n't).'

To break this down, this appears to be a point mutation unless I'm wrong. Which was my first clue that this wasn't really a creative mutation (maybe that's not what you're claiming, but I just want to make sure we're on the same page). I'll address whether or not this is an 'improvement' of the creation or not. Because you're right, it acts as a better anti-oxidant, but that's a distraction from the point. It does it by reducing order and there are more problems besides.

Onwards, the protein that normally assembles HDLs (high density lipoproteins) had one of its amino acids switched with cysteine. Under normal circumstances, low HDL levels lead to heart disease. However, they've found that people with this mutation have low HDL levels and still no problems.

Of course, you're probably referring to the 'new' ability for the protein to aid in anti-oxidation (?). The problem is the difference in specificity. The ability to write HDLs is much more specific, conversely there are many chemicals that will act as anti-oxidants. This 'ability' grew out of the loss of order. It remains to be seen what kind of health problems could arise from the inability to write HDLs like the body is normally able to.

The point is, there are numerous chemicals that act as anti-oxidants, so this ability is hardly ground breaking.


What is worrisome is that, somehow the loss of HDLs is being considered evolution, or at least proof that creation is flawed. Our bodies are able to regularly take in anti-oxidants. We hardly need mutations to take advantage of them, and really if we were taking in anti-oxidants like we should be, coupled with our original better programming of the ability to make HDLs we would be better off. Now these people, instead of having the potential of a 'one-two punch' of anti-oxidants and HDLs, just have anti-oxidants. Great. Let's bring on some more evolution!

Let's remember that if the Bible is true, HDLs would be ideal, because we would have been eating better, living better, etc at the beginning of creation. To think that our rubbish modern diet and way of living has any bearing on our creator is ridiculous. Living healthy and eating healthy is a much better prevention of heart disease (and other health problems) than any mutation. Its just so much easier to make a quick McDonald's run, or cook up some buttered noodles than it is to prepare a salad (and who wants to eat it with barely any dressing or meat anyway?) or make a bowl of fruit, etc. Plus, who really has time to work out anymore (sarcasm)? Well, I do, and I actually look forward to it, but most people would rather not (of course I make the mistake of opting for the McDonald's run far too often).

Not only that, but due to this mutation, many of the proteins manufactured bind together, restricting their usefulness.

Here are some more sites for information on the mutation. Every time I see these arguments I'm reminded of a line from a pretty decent christian punk-rock band. "Your fist in His face/and in His hand/He holds your breath." This line couldn't be more poignant.

I hope that before its too late you'll see things from a different point of view, because as anxious as I am about having to be judged for my sins, I can only imagine what it'll be like to answer to such a slap in God's face. I can only imagine what we look like from his perspective. First we screw up creation by sinning, and then we use the screwed up creation to 'prove' he doesn't exist. Interesting.

Here are some more links you may find useful about the mutation...


I hope that clears things up for you. I know how foggy things can get on the evolutionary side of the river.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."