

I tell off these church lamers who walk around in malls trying to convert poeple, and I'd sure as heck tell you off too.

Lol. So you are so confident? Lets see a photograph, or do you not want your photos to be seen? If you are so brave perhaps you would show a picture so that we know that your not really just a little guy. Most people that use the internet to bully people hide behind the internet and are afraid to show their likeness as it would give people too much of the REAL story of their own social and physical inadequacy. Lets put a face behind your awesome bravery, then I will believe that you would have the cohones to refer to me as anything other than "sir" in the real world. Lol.

BTW. I hope this is not another attempt to divert from the real science issues at hand.

What would you do? Break his jaw if he did some silly remark?