
Since we're talking about gradualism passed on from one generation to the next you obviously won't get a "brand new" creature. Remember the eye examples posted above ? If the parent organism had a single light sensitive cell then the child will not suddenly have a complete eye with iris and muscle control. What is possibly however is that it will now have multiple light sensitive cells, or a protective layer above the cell.

You seem to be saying that cells aren't complex organisms (just because they're organized into a larger creature). I think the walking fungus would disagree with you.


Ignore that its a creationist website, if you're interested in biology at all even if you're an atheist, its a great read.

Cells, in fact, are where the foundation of all complexity lies. Not only in the genetic code they carry, but in their own structure. To say its as simple as growing photoreceptive cells is, as Nitro stated, a huge understatement. I won't keep repeating what he's said, but you seem to think that cells (because they are just basic building blocks) are themselves basic. Really, if you think about it, humans are just made out of billions of little organisms all working together to form our bodies. Which is why the idea of a consciousness is all the more ridiculous. Scientists claim they want to ignore the supernatural, but life itself is supernatural. To think that we happened on accident is beyond absurd.

Last edited by Irish_Farmer; 04/29/06 06:19.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."