
Simple lifeforms to very complex does not sound very coincidental to me, not very logical either when those simple forms where created by a God and evolved into more complex ones. (the latter is what the evidence gives away, in my opinion no matter how you twist and turn it.)

Well for the record I dont believe that God would have created the species as small microorganisms then guided their evolution either. I would believe that He created them whole at each time period and allowed them to proliferate for a unspecified period of time. Perhaps there were various creation events, different ages, and different dispensations. I follow the GAP THEORY of creation which holds the possibility of a prev ious creation, or mutiple previous creations. The site I gave for a link is actually against the gap theory, but I couldnt find any which looked favorably at the theory which means maybe I should write something Here is the wikipedia entry: GAP THEORY


I do doubt this has anything to do with intelligence itself, clever people can be just as stubborn and ignorant as stupid ones.

I can agree with this.


All because we claim that evolution is based upon scientific facts (evidence supporting the main theory, call it whatever you like), and Christians might claim that we are biased and not open for a more spiritual or religious answer to the same question.

Well I cant speak for all Christians but I know my own level of bias will allow me to do some serious soulsearching if one of 2 things happen:

1)science is able to create life in the labratory.
2)science is able to figure out where everything came from before the big bang.

These two questions are instinctual, and crucial to my belief system. As long as they are unanswered, and continue to be unanswered I will always see the best explanation for the origins of all things to be God.

Darwin talked about the origin of the species, yet he didnt really give any of answers about our origins. If you or any body else are able to ignore these fundamental questions then I am jealous of you, because I could never ignore these questions. Ignorance is bliss.


A God, of which I haven't witnessed anything at all creating all different kinds of creatures with flaws and even construction errors does not sound very logical to me.

I also see flaws, but I dont see them as flaws Doesnt make sense does it? Let me rephrase it with an example. A newborn baby human has flaws yet in spite of its flaws, perhaps because of its flaws it is an absolutely perfect specimen. I dont expect that I explained this clearly, yet it is the best explanation I can give.


When looking at life around us I do see it's sheer beauty and interesting character and complexity, yet I don't see why this should require a God to be possible to exist.

The main thing is that it is just too complex to have been assembled by chance. Also the symmetry, pattern, law and order begs an explanation which is beyond my comprehension.