
attacking dating methods is quite puny because its not the radiation method alone that determines age.

Well, then since you bring up other methods, then tell me why they all conflict with each other? I would ignore the other ones if I were you.


another big mistake when talking about evolution is to think its a line with a target at the end.

Ugh. Please, stop trying to educate me on evolution. I've been told what evolution is my entire life. I live in America.

I know that its not a straight line. However, just because you find a bunch of skeletons and add a fancy tree to them doesn't prove anything about them. You have to first show me how evolution can work in the first place, and then prove that your timeline is indesputible. Unfortunately for you, you can do neither.


This is also why there is nothing like good or bad mutation in general or good or bad evolution.

Yes there is. If a mutation causes a creature to be more fit in a given environment, its good. I don't understand what's so difficult about that. It has happened. If the mutation causes the creature to be less fit then its bad.

On the other hand, if a good mutation is caused by a loss of information, then its regressive and for the sake of evolution it is bad, because evolution requires that the creature be more fit AND write data from scratch that makes sense. That never happens, so good or bad does exist, but doesn't necessarily have anything to do with evolution. Evolution requires progressive or non-regressive mutations. You keep showing your little diagrams used to convince children, but I really don't care. If evolution can't happen, then that calls into question every other aspect of it. And since your dating methods aren't precise, then that calls into question whether that diagram is based on truth, or assumptions.


you can not answer the questions "are gills a good or bad mutation" because the terminus good or bad is not related to the result at all (gills in this case)

MY POINT EXACTLY! Thank you. Now that we're on the same page, let me tell you that if these gills appear out of nowhere, that's a progressive mutation. Because it wrote the data for gills from scratch, in which case in the context of water its a good mutation because the creature is now more fit in water as opposed to less fit.

Since we never see things appearing out of nowhere, then tell me why your example even matters now.

"The task force finds that...the unborn child is a whole human being from the moment of fertilization, that all abortions terminate the life of a human being, and that the unborn child is a separate human patient under the care of modern medicine."