the smaller jaw is not only attached to the surrounding elements (food, radiation and so forth) but has had tenthousands of years of development behind itself.

The so called "modernd" nutrition is a fake argument because the smaller jaws where allready present during the ancient times and far back. The head shape and therefor the jaw of the previous "models" of the homo sapiens show a smooth transisition from big to small (or in this case smaller).

The use of the jaw is way more then the consumption of food. It has become one important comunication method. Thats why women need thiner and lighter jaws

-->..This is a straw man. I don't see the point of even saying this.

Simple. People claimed god created the flash and was throwing it onto them. Right now most of us know what causes a flash.
Right now people claim god created all living things at the same time. Time will tell us again what really happened

-->..For MOST scientists its simply a matter of working within the established belief.

You dont have the slightess clue how science works then!

-->..If that's true, then why is evolution (a theory without proof) still backed up by scientists? Because materialism demands it...

nope, thats what creationists want us to believe. Evolution has a ton of back ups and every single part of the puzzle fits in very well. Some are still a question mark for us but this doesnt make the others wrong.

-->..Evolution isn't scientific, so its the belief...

thats what YOU believe and you are wrong again.

a simple roadmap about evolution:

1.) it has nothing to do with matter or how it was created. this is not the point or problem of evolution at all.

2.) evolution does not have a goal. there is nothing like "lets ditch legs to get wings". It is not a pimp my dna!

3.) There is nothing like good or bad mutations because good and bad are not terms of science in this case. There is nothing like "junk" dna. There are empty or double dna parts that can be found but this has nothing to do with junk.

4.) mutation is not evolution. It is a part of it. Its random and without any goal or direction.

5.) transition fossils: are nearly impossible to find because you would need a million of them and all need to be one strain. It would be a lot easier to tell you to show me all of your forfathers bones of the last 2000 years.

The lack of it is not an argument at all.

6.) vestigal organs: since mutation and evolution dont know right or wrong, good or bad all animals can "lose" or "gain" new attributes. the list contains a trex with tiny and useless arms, our end spine bones and a list of more.

7.) the fact that only 1% of any animal group survives on the long run makes intelligent design pointless

8.) the term "useless" and "useful" are definitions and not facts: the gills of a fish produce some sort of bacteria once stranded on the dry land. Though this bacteria is useful in some ways the gills are usless for any land creature. Everything has some sort of "useful" intention. The trex can wave with his tiny hands. But this will make them still vestigal organs. Same as our appendix and our w.teeth.

9.) there is nothing like micro or macro evolution. this are made up terms from creationists to disprove evolution. This tells a lot about the intention of this people.

the simple bottom line:
The main idea (that can be read in darwins work) is that it sounds reasonable for us that a child looks like its parents, though it shows own and different attributes (size, shape aso).
If you agree on this and on the common science attributes then there should be no doubt that with enough time the entire look and shape could change.

looking on different species you will then face the stunning fact that they share more or less the same similarities.

If you then look a little closer you will notice that though used very different all terapodes share the same structure for their arms and legs. (bringing me back to the thumb and neck ....the inperfection of the human body).
For our purpose and use this setup is not perfect and with a minor change would fit our needs a lot better.

A whale shares the same structural main set up as a bird.
Birds and reptiles as well as primates share the same arms construction: upper arm bone, fingers, the both lower arm bones.

the fossils history:
A core essence of evolution is that if we look back in time and analyze the fossils we found they have to build groups of development (even though the lack of found fossils for the reasons mentioned above).
short: during the area of the ocean living forms we wont find a human being. and we didnt (=hirarchy of development...humans have a spine. therefor as long there is no spine there is no human being.... very, very rough explained ).
(development of the horse...OSCHE, 1979,)

a development example (since all of a sudden we can agree on the fact that the jaw can get smaller or bigger):

to shorten it i will stop or all written evidence that back up the evolution theory would jam the whole forum


Models, Textures and Levels at: