You know, I've read through this debate as it progresses. I am not quite sure of the purpose of the discussion at this point. So much energy expended and I await some consessions, some shared understanding.

How about trying something new for a change, and start talking about where science and religion run parallel in thinking. What common ground do they share. It just seems counterproductive now.

To question is valid in any sense, wether it be religion or science. In fact it is extremely important to both. We ask questions and weigh the answers to understand purpose, meaning, identity and direction.

I believe in a God and in evolution too, to a point. Evolution has plenty of gaps to give thought to variations but, the evidence is pretty clear. And science isn't all that it is cracked up to be either. Perpetual energy should have been achieved decades ago.

Hopefully our understanding will begin to evolve within the next 1000 years

The rivers of time erode away the mountains of existence...