
Give me proof of a truly positive mutation (one that doesn't subtract or corrupt genetics and adds new data (or in other words doesn't just manipulate the data the creature already has))

I am still not quite sure what you are looking for. Let's try it this way: think of genetics as though it was a book. There is point mutation which changes a single character or inserts/deletes a blank space and then there are copying errors/cross-overs/etc. which copy or move words/paragraphs from one page to another. In this analogy, when you say "adds new data" you are looking for a process that appends pages ?


I just wish we could somehow weed out this problem, because its destroying our youth all through school.

Not to mention all those nobel prize winners...


How else do you describe an animal that looks pretty human? Its like you're asking to be shown some kind of miracle. Similar characteristics are logically inevitable, and it doesn't get to the root of the problem of how materialist evolution doesn't work in the first place.

While similar characteristics are to be expected there is no reason to expect identical genes. Given the redundancy of codons to encode amino acids (3 codons to 1 acid) you could have exactly the same individual with a genetic code that is 99% different (you just need to keep the START and STOP markers in place). So why then is there a 96% similarity if only 1% is required ?
Even if you were to reuse some genetic information from one creature to create another one, why would two different creatures like chimps and humans have the same junk DNA that no longer can produce proteins ? Evolution has no problem explaining this (common ancestor prior to speciation into chimps and humans) but creationism would need to posit a lazy or not too bright creator.


Natural selection only passes on, those traits which are favorable for survival and reproduction.

Natural selection passes on traits that do not reduce the amount of offspring. Thus traits can be both neutral or favorable but not negative, in other words it selects against harmful mutations _not_ for positive ones.

Last edited by Marco_Grubert; 04/05/06 01:35.