@ Irish
I appreciate your input and agree with you, but this thread is called "Science and Creation" and is not necessarily about evolution. Also, sorry but little things like the earths tilt for seasons interest me.

I was thinking to bring up the facts of "created" nature as evidence?

The earth is favored not with its tilted axis, but with it's distance to the sun that is just suited for life

Yes, JCL brings up an excellent point. WHY is the sun just at the right distance to make life tollerable down here?!
Please consider more facts below:


#1 The earth is positioned just the right distance from the sun so that we recieve just the right amount of heat to support life. The other planets in our solar system are either too close to the sun or too far away.

#2 The earth rotates which gives us our 24 hour day, any appreciable change in the rate of rotation would make life on earth impossible. If the earth were to rotate one tenth its present rate all plant life would be burned up during the day or frozen at night.

#3 Temperature variations are kept within reasonable limits due to the nearly circular orbit of earth around the sun.
Temperature extremes are further moderated by the water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which produce a green house effect.

#4 The moon revolves around earth at a distance of 24000 miles causing harmless tides. If the moon were located one fifth of this distance away, the continents would be under water twice a day.

#5 The earths axis is tilted at 23 and one half degrees from the perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. this tilting combined with its revolution around the sun causes our seasons, which are assential to raising our food supplies.

#6 The ozone layer serves as a protective shield from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. without it all life would die. The atmosphere protects earth from some 20 million meteors that enter it each day, most burn up before hitting earth, if not danger to us would be immense.
The earth is the perfect physical size and mass to support life, affording a careful balance between gravitational forces and atmospheric pressure.

#7 The atmosphere consists of 78% nitrogen and 20% oxygen, a crucial and delicate ratio is essential to all life forms.

#8 The earths magnetic field provides protection from harmful cosmic radiation.

#9 The earth is blessed with a bountiful supply of water, which is essential to life here.


Now, why do we just assume all this happens by chance?
That is quite an "illogical" assumption, considering all other planets in the galaxy are not anything like this.

Last edited by Ran Man; 04/04/06 15:39.

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