
Science can deal with nothing else. If YOU want to posit supernatural explanations, you CAN NOT use science to do it; the result will be nothing more than psuedoscience. Religion and science are different things, irreconcileable, and never the twain shall meet.

I agree, by the very definition and fundamental core of science and the scientific method. Science only studys observable facts. So it would be ridiculous for science to try to prove creation or even set about on the path to prove God. We should NEVER ask science to prove the existence of God.

So what does that prove? It only proves my initial theory that science is limited. If there was a God, which we cannot really prove at this time one way or another, science would never be able to know it. That is because science is limited. However, science does a good job with what it does. It just needs to admit when it doesnt know something.It needs to understand it's limits.

Scientists who believe something which they havent proved yet are no longer scientists, they have become religious