@ Matt,

there are no scientific arguments for creationism.

Well okay we only have facts on our side then.

About the oil and natural gas, what we know is that oil and gas are naturally seeping, or escaping out of the earth, even if they are not drilled for. This is due to natural pressure from beneath the earth.

So, if the earth was really millions or billions of years old, then all the gas and oil would be gone by now. It would all have escaped and dissipated and would not exist now.

Now how about this scenario below?

1 - River deltas. The Mississippi River dumps 300 million cubic yards [229 million cm] of mud into the Gulf of Mexico each year—continually enlarging the delta area. Yet the Mississippi delta is not large. Calculations reveal it has only been forming for the past 4,000 years (4,620 years, to be exact). If the world were 120,000 years old, that delta would extend all the way to the North Pole .—pp. 27-28.

Wow! To the north pole!!!
Okay then, I suggest that since the earth would be now WATER, that we all now go out and buy a big boat to live in.

And we should also all change our names to NOAH!

Cougar Interactive
