I cannot die. I am have eternalyouth. If I had to die...

I would choose fighting some sexy super model. A sexy asian super model babe... and I am fighting her for what I believe in. But being a sexy super model babe, I am over powered. and recieve a damaging blow to the stomache.

Then I'd die... because in a way it'd feel good. However, NOBODY MUST KNOW that I died being beaten up by a female. Something will happen... so they'd say "oh, he was hit by a truck." However, because I have eternalyouth... it seems that'd be the only way I would die... (if it happens.)

I do have dreams of dying like that... but I rub up against her body in my final moments... after dying I usually end up falling into lava or hot fire... I am not sure what that is supposed to mean. Heaven must be hot.

Last edited by eternalyouth; 04/04/06 07:02.

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