Well Russell..It's nice to be able to live a long time..but if you live forever, youll see things happen over and over again, each time more traumatizing than the last... youll see beautiful things ..and then youll see them passover and die.. youll see wars, and youll see the aftermath.

After youve done all the shagging and rocking and helicopter piloting there is to be done... what then?.. You still have forever to live. Not only would it get boring and mentally unsettling.. but part of the reason most of us dont take life for granted is that we have a very finite amount of it. If your supply of it is unlimited tho, it will become unprecious to you. You wont regard your life as a commodity anymore.. because to you it wont be. You wont be careful or at all respectful to your body..and youll end up torn up, broken up and diseased... but still alive (cue the warm fuzziness feeling).

Life is precious, in part, because of its finity. We make the most of our time, while not being wreckless most times.. then we die. Death IS a part of life. If we did not have a finity to it.. we would not be cautious, or at all respecting of life, or be motivated to do anything to make ourselves great.

It's a good thing life works the way it does.

I'm ICEman, and I approved this message.