I have a quite different belief to offer: the integral whole.

If one insists on the conditions under which things develop and searches
for the cause therof, such searching and insistence will never end until one
comes to something that is unconditional. Then the principles of self-transformation will become clear.
There are those who say that the semi-shadow penumbra is conditioned by the
shadow, the shadow by the body, and the body by the creator. However, the creator is uncreated and all forms materialize by themselves, just as the great
T'ai Chi is 'self-so.' Throughout the entire realm of existance, one will see that there is nothing, not even the semi-shadow, that does not transform itself
beyond the phenomenal world. Hence everything creates itself through the integration of yin and yang, without the direction of any creator. Since all things create themselves, they are self determined. This is the immortal model of the universe.