
why a certain event does happen despite the current theory says it's unlikely - can lead to important discoveries.

While far from dismissing scientific curiosity, when it comes to this question, I strongly disagree with the core assumption that say's that our universes present configuration is likely or unlikely...

No one has any basis of comparason for that statement and the only "proof" offered is that if the constants were different, then life wouldn't exsist.

Well, in order for the constants to be different, the physics would be different and then all bets are off and we can say anything we want!

Hence you can say that changing the constants would lead to no CB life and I can say changing the constants changes the physics and that this new physics would lead again lead to CB life and there is no way for either of us to be proven right or wrong...hence there is no way that this line of questioning will ever lead to discovery since it's fundamentally nothing more than the question "Why are we here?" but with physical constants thrown in just to make things more interesting.

So while I ceratainly encourage people to find out why these constants are what they are, the idea that these the constants are "special" and somehow tied into life in this universe is just philosophy and not science.

BTW, I'm not trying to be thick-headed, but I really didn't get your point about the lottery as a counter-point to my father/mother/son circular arguement.