The models arent really available for use because they are just part of the project that's included, and the projects were only included as a visual aid as to the heavy modifications made to the templates, which are obviously included, however most of what i implememented is not templates dependant so if you skim through those WDL files then you should be able to find something you can use. Mostly this was released as a texture and sprite pack, and it contains about 85-90 textures in the .WAD file and another 70-80 misc. sprites and images in a folder. it contains a folder with a couple standalone scripts that i wrote. also it contains 2 projects folders with ALL files required to run them, as i said prior these were included as visual aids and probably only people who like to get their hands a little dirty digging through useless crap looking for gold will find them usefull. I'll probably start working on more stuff soon, probably more textures and will be presented to you in a more organized fashion, not really too experienced with multilayered texture creation yet as needed for shaders since i don't have a card that supports them, but i may give it a try, but mostly i'll just be doing regular textures. anyway, please post anymore comments of concerns and i'll get back to you.

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