"But I still think you should combine your editor with the upcoming editor from TripleX to create the ultimate 3dgs-editor toolset. It could be expanded with sky generation, water blocks and perhaps a day-night-cycle generator, automatic grass generator a.s.o."

This is not as easy as you think, because as I said, the idea behind the two editors are totaly different ones.

Olivers GREAT IceX 2 is for creating outdoor levels. My Editor is for changing existing WMP files, no matter if outdoor or indoor. Of course a combination of the two editors would be possible, but the only way would be a button in the menue of IceX2 / My editor for changing the used editor...

If you haven't understand the usage of the editors here an example:

Easy Game Edit
You play a Level an you think that at one place there should be an ammo pack, or you see that all ammo packs should have a specific material assigned, or should have set the shadow flag by default etc. Now you open Easy Game Edit and change these settings. The informations are stored in the WMP file.

IceX 2
You want to create a new outdoor level for your strategy game -> You open IceX2 and create a random Terrain with the Heightmap generator. After that you create enemys and players etc. in the map (without fine balancing). Now you save the Map as WMP file. And you can play it in your game.

Got the difference? IceX2 = Creating new levels (no balancing), gameEdit = editing WMP files (mainly fine balancing)
But if you have a suggestion how this would be possible?

@Oliver2s: Congratulations that you were able to finish the Perl Noise code! Seems to get a fantastic editor.
