As was mentioned above the reason for JT's cancellation was the theft that Az suffered. Az lives in Malaysia and survived the tsunami and earthquake that struck that area. He had to leave the area for a few months and when he returned his home was there, but was wiped clean by thieves. The JT project was primarily worked on by just Az and I for about 2 years (along with help from a budding newb by the name of bupaje back when he was just starting:) ), but Az had actually started the project himself even before that. That meant that Az had most of the assets for the project. Even though Az had multiple seperate hard drive backups, even they were stolen. It was pretty devastating for Az to have literrally every texture, model, level, and code disappear and rebuilding a multi year project is not something he's interested in yet. It's not necessarily never going to be done, but we would make everything from scratch.

Mr Wurm, excellent idea, I'll get that in there asap.