I have used VMmap, so I clocked 1.984Gb RAM on my Desktop machine, and about 1.8Gb something on my laptop. . My Desktop DOES NOT CRASH or throw any texture memory errors (it runs perfectly), but my laptop always has the issue.

Depending on the system even 1.4Gb could be too much for a 32 Bit application. You should stay way below that. I wouldn't risk to make a Gamestudio game that needs more than 1 Gb at a time.

Today's HD textures and high poly models fill up RAM very quickly. Because Gamestudio is a 32 Bit software you would need to work around that limit by a clever resource management in the game.

Now I use built in checks for vid_memory and nexus, and I am only using 78/600Mb nexus, and about 250Mb of video memory.

If I remember correctly some things like textures are saved twice in memory to recreate them if you ALT+TAB out and back into the game. This is not shown correctly when you use these helper variables. You basically need to multiply some of the allocated memory by two.