I'm using the simple test script below which is working almost as expected unless I'm commenting-in the contractPrice(C1); row which is causing the script to crash.
"Almost" because contractDays() is returning numbers such as 43369.50 - I assume this happens because I'm using it within a main() function so there is no current bar time, correct?
However, what's wrong with contractPrice()?? The futures chain seems loading just fine as the outputs are looking good.
I'm have been testing with Zorro 1.87 and 1.88.1, same issue.

Test Script:

#include <contract.c>
void main()
printf("nLoaded %d contracts.",NumContracts);
CONTRACT* C1 =contract(FUTURE,5,0);
CONTRACT* C2 =contract(FUTURE,50,0);
// contractPrice(C1);
printf("ncontractDays C1 = %.2f",contractDays(C1));
contractPrint (C1);
printf("ncontractDays C2 = %.2f",contractDays(C2));
contractPrint (C2);
contractPrint ();