Thanks for helping with that snippet Superku.

Im having trouble wrapping my head around how to not only generate the correct vector displacement map within mudbox, but also write the vertex displacement snippet in my vertex shader. This may be over my head. I might give it a few more shots.

float4 bloatShape1 = tex2Dlod(clothSampler6, float4(InTex.x,InTex.y,0,0) ); 
float3 bloatMove1 = (bloatShape1-0.5)*20;

I cant just += bloatmove1 , this will offset everything in one direction.

I dont know the correct map to generate within mudbox (16bit), and I dont know how to offset a vertex position based on the RGB components. Im not finding formulas online either.

Do you think you have pseudo code to manipulate a vertex on RGB? What would be a good sample texture in mind that you think would work?