Okay, thanks for giving insight.

For anybody wondering:
As a workaround I use an array of dummy TEXT objects. In draw instructions I use their IDs as an extra argument.
A custom DRAWCONTAINER struct is stored in a TEXT object's skill_x. If any parameters (in the custom draw_text or draw_obj call) changed or if it's the first time that text is supposed to be drawn, the text will be drawn to a BMAP.
If nothing changes, just the bitmap from previous frames will be drawn to the screen using draw_quad.
This has cut down the text rendering performance impact from 2.5+ms to ~0.15ms (depending on how often strings change) in my game on my machine.

Click to reveal..
typedef struct
	int type;
	void *obj;
	BMAP* bmp;
	int bmpIsExternal;
	int forceUpdate;
	int lastFrameUpdate;
	long flags;
	STRING *pstr;
	char *charsCopy;
	char *pchars;
	int length;
	COLOR color;
	FONT* font;
	var size_x,size_y;

int draw_obj_cached(void *sourceObj)
	int index = ((int*)sourceObj)[0];
	int type = (index >> 24);
	if(type == HBYTE_TEXT)
		TEXT* txt = (TEXT*)sourceObj;
		STRING* str = (txt->pstring)[0];
		DRAWCONTAINER* container = (DRAWCONTAINER*)txt->skill_x;
		compare data... -> create bmap if necessary and redraw

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

Check out my new game: Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends