Well, I have been going to my friendly manual before posting for help. However, it is not being cooperative, or I'm still very rusty with coding.

Anyhow, I successfully made a T8 file, verified with History.c, but only after manually changing the format of the Expiration Date field in the CSV file using Excel. Trying to be less of a hacker, I would like to massage that field in my Zorro script.

The problem is that the Expiration Date string appears as 3/24/2017, where the month and day is sometimes 1 or 2 chars. I need to transpose this into an 8 digit long - YYYYMMDD, which is what the t8 file format requires.

I'm been hacking with strdate, wdatef, ymd, strf, etc. all day and can't seem to get to YYYYMMDD.

How would you do this Master Andrew? I'm sure you probably have a 1 liner for this problem :-)

Many thanks!

Last edited by SBGuy; 06/13/18 23:06.