Hi jumpman.

Fur shader is waste of time and waste of gpu power. You can forget about it. Since i'm still using A7, i can't say aything about sprite instancing.

I am using model. I don't need vertex animation and while operation. I can animate foliages&grasses with shader. it's simple. About the "pushing it out of the way when an object touches the model.": I never try that but i think you can do it with event and shader like this: (not grasses but weeds and bushes)

do animation

But i don't think it's necessary. Players may not pay attention to them, especially in the action games.

in a nutshell I prefer the model. Here is what and how i'm doing.

Edit:I did not see the post of superku when I wrote this. I also agree with him.

Edit2:if there is a misunderstanding, i was talking about specific object when i point to vecskill41.

Last edited by Emre; 06/01/18 20:45.