Can we see a stripped down version of the relevant code?

Check to see where you place your bone functions in regards to the ent_blendpose. Try placing ent_bonereset/ent_bonemove/etc BEFORE the ent_blendpose and see what happens.

Im currently doing animation states, which is kind of not the best, but it works for me so far. Let me know if this helps:

animsa+=10*time_step;  // one way animation

my.pose = 2;   /// set pose 2 to the target animation
ent_animate(my, "swing",animsa, ANM_CYCLE);  // upper half of body
ent_animate(my,"ua_stand",animsa,ANM_CYCLE+ANM_ADD); // lower half of body
my.skill3+=5*time_step  ; // blend percent while in this state
my.skill3 = clamp(my.skill3,0,100);  // clamp the blend to 100 percent
ent_bonerotate();  /////////////your manual bone rotation, ent_bone commands here
ent_blendpose(my,1,2,my.skill3);  // perform the blend

my.pose=1;  /// use this final skeleton state as pose 1
if(my.skill3>=100)  // when the one way animation is done
last_lower_state=2;  //break out of this animation state