You are making me think! Which is why I still visit this site. The greatest minds in my life I met here.

You have to make it as easy and convenient as possible for others to enjoy your work. Illegal movie and music downloads are a lot less common these days because it is way easier to pay 10$ a month for unlimited streaming than to spend time to search and download a copy somewhere online. And most games implemented online verification to check that the player has an authorized copy of the game instead of using complicated code wheels or installing these terrible rootkits.

Maybe this is true. Maybe I'm jaded. I've lived with so little so long maybe I've become used to the idea that boot-legging is a high margin. I'd never want to boot-leg software or game. I just feel the person that does is asking for malware or worse.

In my opinion a content creator these days should made it as easy as possible to access and share the content. You want people to know and talk about your work as often as possible. And if more people know about your work it becomes harder for others to steal it and reuse it for their creations. People will call them out because they know the content was originally made by you.

As a single video I agree. However my product is a SITE. A site full of video elements. My business model is driven on site landing and visits. Anything that lets someone else collectively download and display these elements negates my site visits. So while sharing and word of mouth is great to bust traffic, at the end of the day I get paid by traffic visiting. I have a strong interest in both makings sure the content is singularly sourced at my site and ADs at my site play and can be clicked. What I've built is different in the best of ways and doesn't fit in another platform.

I don't know - You make me think and I enjoy it. However the math in my mind is Content at single site -> site visits = pay #Ensure content and drive site visits.

Thanks for your time