I have some uncertainties regarding CBI, too.

1. The Z strategies (at least Z12) always sets the Capital slider to 2000 at the very beginning when you start trading. Immediately I set it to the desired value then. But the question is: Doesn't that mean that we *always* need to have backtested with Capital slider at 2000 beforehand to get a correct .dbl file and thus meaningful CBI calculations?

2. If we increase the Capital slider later as I understood this is compensated. But if we stop trading at some point and resume is there a need for a new test run with the then applicable Capital slider? Or does the CBI calculation remember that the old .dbl file was created with the old Capital setting and compensate that even across trading sessions?

3. Is there a way to see which initial Capital setting was used? Or more precicely: Which Capital setting the CBI calculation takes into consideration for the available .dbl file.
