I'm working on a plugin that connects to multiple accounts and most of the data receiving infrastructure is there, the problem I'm having right now is with how Zorro requests assets for multiple accounts.

The docs say about BrokerAccount:

Returns the current account status, or changes the account if multiple accounts are supported. Called repeatedly during the trading session.

And about BrokerLogin's Account parameter:

Optional output, char[1024] array to be filled with all user's account numbers as subsequent zero-terminated strings, ending with "" for the last string. Only the first account number is used by Zorro.

So my assumption was that I simply configure "Account" in Accounts.csv and return it in the Accounts output in BrokerLogin, then every time Zorro requests an Asset it calls BrokerAccount.

This seems to be incorrect though. When I have assets on multiple accounts, I see Zorro just call BrokerAsset over and over again with the same Asset argument and nothing in between. No BrokerLogin, no BrokerAccount, just repeating requests for the same asset, once per account.

Is this expected behaviour? Should my broker plugin force users to prefix their asset names with a prefix or something like that?