I have two functions, let's call them 'save' and 'load'. In them I use 'file_dialog' and 'file_dialog_save' in order to save/load a file. To call those functions I use f4 (to call 'save') and f5 (to call 'load'). All is great, but I noticed that after first two calls, in order to call those functions I have to press f4 and f5 twice! Can anyone please explain why?

Best regards!

Edit: also noticed, that this results to not being able to close game's window by clicking on 'close' X at the upper right corner.. Could this be a memory issue? Pointers and such?

Edit2: thx God, this has nothing to do with my map editor in general, here is a small example, that has the same problem:
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>
#include <windows.h>
#include <strio.c>


BMAP *temp_bmp = NULL;

void save_level(){
	char *map_file = file_dialog_save("Save level", "*.png");	
	if(map_file == NULL){ return(-1); }
	STRING *file_name_str = "";
	STRING *path_str = str_create(map_file);
	var e_pos = str_stri(path_str, ".png");
	if(e_pos == 0){
		var length = str_len(path_str);
		var n_pos = str_chr(path_str, -length, 92);
		str_cut(file_name_str, path_str, n_pos + 1, length);
		var n_pos = str_chr(path_str, -e_pos, 92);
		str_cut(file_name_str, path_str, n_pos + 1, e_pos - 1);
	str_cat(file_name_str, ".png");
	bmap_save(temp_bmp, file_name_str);

void load_level(){
	char *map_file = file_dialog("Load level", "*.png");
	if(map_file == NULL){ return; }	
	STRING *file_name_str = "";
	STRING *path_str = str_create(map_file);
	var e_pos = str_stri(path_str, ".png");
	if(e_pos == 0){
		var length = str_len(path_str);
		var n_pos = str_chr(path_str, -length, 92);
		str_cut(file_name_str, path_str, n_pos + 1, length);
		var n_pos = str_chr(path_str, -e_pos, 92);
		str_cut(file_name_str, path_str, n_pos + 1, e_pos - 1);
	str_cat(file_name_str, ".png");
	if(!file_exists(file_name_str)){ return; }
	temp_bmp = bmap_create(file_name_str);

void remove_level(){
	if(temp_bmp){ safe_remove(temp_bmp); }

void main(){
	on_f3 = remove_level;
	on_f4 = save_level;
	on_f5 = load_level;
	fps_max = 60;
	warn_level = 6;
	temp_bmp = bmap_createblack(256, 64, 32);
	bmap_fill(temp_bmp, COLOR_RED, 100);
		draw_text("F3 - remove\nF4 - save\nF5 - load", 10, 10, COLOR_WHITE);
			draw_quad(temp_bmp, vector(256, 256, 0), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 100, 0);

Last edited by 3run; 04/29/18 01:00.

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