This has been an issue for a long time for all users that have attempted to create games and software that need these features. I need to connect directly to my HTTPS domain to securely connect to my sql database and I need to have a way to securely download and upload files (FTPS) to the server using 3DGS. This would finally allow me to finish all the projects I have that require protection for user names, passwords and files.

Please don't request that I manually integrate a DLL because I've already tried and failed. If it was easy to do that, someone on the forum would have already created it.

Q1. How secure is the current HTTP and FTP instructions?
Q2. Is there any chance of secure HTTPS and FTPS being added to a new update for 3DGameStudio?
Q3. Does Zorro have a secure connection when transferring data? If so, can that be added to 3DGS?