I'm slowly working through the Godot official tutorials (very slowly ... one must work, too, after all) and I am liking what I am seeing. I love their idea of a "node" based system. It just makes sense to me and it's something that's just a bit different than working in Unity or Unreal.

For example, you can nest nodes as children of other nodes and, thus, build your scene, your level, your world. Parents inherit from children. So, you could create a player node, create a weapon node, make the weapon a child of the player, and the player inherits the weapon's abilities, so to speak. You could also create your player node, create a wizard node (a node that has "wizard" abilities), create a warrior node, etc. Then you could easily create different players by making the wizard node a child of the player, or the warrior node the child of the player, etc.

I'm coming at this as someone who has extremely limited programming, and I am liking and beginning to understand Godot's programming. It's fun and makes sense. I like that I can work on one node, one thing at a time, save it, and bring it in as a child, an instance to my scene when needed. I like that I can open the node at any time, make changes, and those changes are passed to the instance in the main scene. It really helps to isolate issues and really helps with bug testing, too.

I can't wait to have more time with this engine and see if I can create something with it.