@All - I was going to ask if anyone had a good 3DGS test scene that includes the scene from a 3D modeler (I.g. 3dsmax or blender). I was going to convert it to godot and compare performance. I don't have a 3dgs key anymore and I don't know if I could make one before the trail expired.

However - I now think it's pointless! It's reasonable to assume Godot out performs A8. It's also reasonable to assume that Godot can out preform it even after using materials and features 3dgs dx9 doesn't have.

So I don't think Godot is the better engine out of unreal, and unity. But almost any newer engine is going to be better than A9 lol A8. And clearly every editor is better. I mean Wed-Med-Sed look like 2000-party over out of time!