Thanks for the response.
I went through the code again after my last post, optimizing it and commenting/ excluding temporarily unused code (for levels I'm not working on currently). This saved me about 45MB (compile time 14.9->14.1) which means I could test the game again for now but that's obviously going to change/ break in the near future.

Putting code into a DLL is a neat idea! Too bad I wrote this project's code very acknex-y but I will do that if I have no other choice.

Originally Posted By: jcl
The license allows us to give the lite-C source not to the public, but to select developers. If someone with enough C++ knowledge volunteers, I'm happy to give him a contract and the source code.

Sounds great! I have sent an e-mail to the support.

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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